At Plum we LOVE DM!!! We have never underestimated the power of getting something in the post!
Recent findings by JICMAIL - covering the period from April to June 2022 - show that there has been a remarkable increase in the number of households retaining their mail. More households than ever are choosing to keep their mail for later use or take it out of home.
Nearly half of mail (44 percent) is still in the home after 28 days - not surprising, as past experience shows, that physical mail is more valued during economically challenging times.
94 percent of mail has had at least one meaningful physical interaction within 28 days - the average piece of business mail was interacted with 4.8 times within this period:

In the past 5 years, there has been a 60% increase in mail prompting website visits - proving the value of incorporating different forms of communication within multi-channel comms campaigns.
JICMAIL research shows that mail is the most trusted form of advertising communication to strengthen relationships with existing customers and build new ones.
But it’s imperative that the right message, gets to the right person, in the right way.
This is why expert strategic planning, accurate data, eye-catching creative and engaging content are so important!
If you believe in the power of DM - or would like to find out how we can work together to create engaging mail comms, get in touch.